Aurelance: Crafting Authenticity and Emotional Depth in “Goodbye”

Aurelance: Crafting Authenticity and Emotional Depth in "Goodbye"

Montreal’s music scene gains a powerful new voice with Aurelance. His recent release “Goodbye” is an influential anthem of self-worth. This genre-bending artist is all about authenticity and using music to empower others. Aurelance’s music resonates with vulnerability and strength, making it a voice for a generation navigating love, loss, and self-discovery. Let’s dive into the inspiration behind “Goodbye” and explore the world of Aurelance!

Congratulations on the release of “Goodbye”! Can you tell us about the inspiration behind this song?

Thank you! I really wanted people to get a hold of who I am as a person in relationships. I’ve always strived for authenticity and love. When I say “I need more than just sex, I need substance, I need soul, I don’t take no commands, I need real, I don’t **** with corruption, guess you’re out of the plan” I want it to be known that anything surface level is not my cup of tea. It’s a liberation from what’s not meant for me, for what doesn’t align with my values and who I am as a person. I’ve been through this situation repeatedly. Humans around the world are going through it, I want my song to help them see their power, stand their ground, and give them the strength to say “Goodbye” without looking back.

Aurelance: Crafting Authenticity and Emotional Depth in "Goodbye"

What emotions were you channeling while writing and recording “Goodbye”?

I had to channel some anger in there, especially in the chorus. Vulnerability as well, for some parts. 

How does “Goodbye” fit into the narrative of your musical journey so far?

I’ve written so many songs. Many haven’t been produced yet. I will have to do something about that one day. What I love about Goodbye is that it’s fresh. It reflects me in the present moment. I’m sure my music has changed already, but I haven’t written in a while now after finishing this album. I didn’t want to shift my focus and lose interest in my current sound. But I’m excited to get into my creative space again when it’s the right time. 

Can you walk us through the creative process behind “Goodbye,” from inception to completion? Were there any challenges or obstacles you faced while making “Goodbye,” and how did you overcome them?

My creative process was very simple, to be honest. I had a producer (Dimi) send me a pack of some beats he had made and whenever I was in the mood to express myself and write, I’d play one and see where it takes me. I fell on the beat used in Goodbye and I started by improvising and letting my feelings out all while recording what I was creating. After that, I should have the melody in place and a few words that I expressed and I build from there. Some songs can take more time and are more challenging but it was rather quick with Goodbye.  

What do you enjoy most about the music-making process?

I’m a sucker for jam sessions. It’s what drives me. I love improvising on instruments or beats. It’s my favorite thing. I can go on for hours and hours… I’d rarely say ok I’m done, I have to be stopped or I’ll end up ruining my vocal cords. 

How would you describe your musical style and influences?

I’m a mix of everything. I grew up listening to many different genres of music. I will say that Jessie J is THE artist who striked me the most when I discovered her when I was 16 years old. She made me want to sing even more. She definitely sparked something in me. 

What initially drew you to pursue a music career?

It’s my nature. I grew to be a self-taught intuitive artist. It was never something I intentionally chose, it’s stronger than me. I felt misunderstood, unseen, unheard most of my life, like I was alone. The best way for me to express myself is through my lyrics, it gives me the platform to let go of what’s contained in me. I know how powerful and how healing music is. I want to connect with the world. I want to share my experiences and let others know that they are not alone, just like many artists did for me. 

Can you share any pivotal moments or experiences that have shaped your journey as an artist?

I started taking my writing more seriously when I went through the most painful heartbreak in my life. Being young in an abusive relationship with an 11 years older partner who struggled with addiction, it’s still something I buried up to now. It definitely developed my pen game throughout the years. 

What sets your music apart from others in the industry?

I can’t think of a Lebanese man from Montreal with music like mine in the industry. Personally, I feel like it sets it apart from the fact that it comes from my unique story, my heart, my writing. I never wrote a song thinking “I’m going to write a song that sounds like this song”. Everything I write comes from my mind, my creativity, my way of expressing myself.

Lastly, what’s next for Aurelance after the release of “Goodbye”?

I have another single coming out! It’s a feature with my brother Elyrix. We were in the studio when I was recording it and I asked him to hop on it, there was an empty space that I didn’t write anything to so it was perfect. After that, it’s more and more music.

Aurelance is a force to be reckoned with. With a new single on the horizon and a wellspring of creativity waiting to be unleashed, the future is bright for this unique artist. We can’t wait to see what Aurelance brings to the music scene next!