Listen To “Obituary” By The Oustanding Sir Echo!

Sir Echo

The alt-pop song “Obituary” by Sir Echo serves as a lyrical confession about the approaching existential dread that has our age in its grip. The song’s opening guitar chimes draw listeners in and introduce the first stanza. This verse perfectly expresses how we feel about a future that is unclear and has been distorted by the reckless generations who came before us. 

The chorus then diverts attention from the current ideas to give listeners a moment of feeling. It makes you consider who you’d like to succeed you if anything bad happened to our generation. It also demonstrates how empathetic this generation is.

The musical talents of lead singer Chaz Kiss, guitarist Jeremy Stene, and drummer David Stingle are combined to create Sir Echo. Based in Hudson Valley, New York, Sir Echo enjoys stirring up mosh pits over the whole east coast. The noise-makers repertoire is filled with eargasmic instrumentals and insightful societal criticism that’s likely to bring out anyone’s inner anger.

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