Holy Roller Baby Unveils “Girl From the East Side” Ahead of Upcoming Album

Independent rock artist Holy Roller Baby, the creative endeavor of multi-instrumentalist Jared Mullins, has released a new single titled “Girl From the East Side.” This track marks the second preview from their highly anticipated LP, Smile Like Heaven, set to drop on August 23, 2024. The single has already garnered attention from Absolute Radio UK, with host Danielle Perry praising it as “like the best bits of Queens of the Stone Age.”

“Girl From the East Side” showcases a blend of powerful vocals and dynamic guitar work, culminating in a compelling guitar solo that drives the song to its peak. The lyrics and title reflect Mullins’ childhood experiences in Cleveland, adding a personal touch to the track.

Mullins explains, “Cleveland is weird. There’s one highway that divides the city into East and West. As a kid, we avoided the East Side because of rumors about discovering dead bodies. I imagined what it would be like to stumble upon something like that, and I ended up writing a song about it.”

The first single from the upcoming album, “Speaking in Tongues,” received critical acclaim, with KUTX describing it as “Holy Roller Baby’s Central Texas twist on Radiohead’s ‘Creep,’ featuring high-contrast dynamics, an unhurried grunge arrangement, and an impassioned vocal performance.”

Smile Like Heaven was recorded at Valve Studios in Dallas, TX, and Courtyard Studios in Oxfordshire, England, under the guidance of producer Ian Davenport [Radiohead, Band Of Skulls]. The album’s sound evolved organically as the band played live in the studio.

Mullins reflects on the recording process: “I hope people hear the fearlessness I brought to this LP with Ian. I’m just trying to channel the awe and excitement I felt when I first discovered rock-n-roll.”

Holy Roller Baby will continue to release new music throughout 2024 in anticipation of the full album’s release.