Outdated Makeup Techniques: Aga Kankanyan Identifies 5 Anti-Trends of the Year

Aga Kankanyan

“Starting from 2015 the trend of makeup is naturalness, simplicity and a little carelessness.
And not only in the make-up, but also in the fashion of hairdressing and clothing. It is important to emphasize cared and healthy skin with makeup”
said well-known makeup artist Aga Kankanyan in a conversation with BlogNews.am and listed 5 anti-trends that have already become outdated.

Since 2015, the shape of the eyebrows has changed to natural. Whereas previously the eyebrows were emphasized with a pencil and took a dense, straight shape, now eyebrow makeup is done with shadows, little cutting, which makes them look more ethereal.

Only natural colors are used. Linear contrast is considered anti trend this year, even in the case of smoky eyes eye makeup must be without borderlines

Whereas artificial mat skin done with powder used to be fashionable before, the effect of moist, healthy and shiny skin is now exclusively accepted.

Contouring was used to make the facial oval closer to the ideal. Today only the natural beauty is emphasized with highlighter and light colors.

Shiny the lipstick is very fashionable this year. If it is not a evening -image and it does not impose certain accents, then in any other cases the shiny and moist lipstick is trendy.

“Of course, it is always desirable to follow trends and be stylish, but the personality, desires, and preferences of the customers must also be considered.” Aga concluded.

Source: Blognews.am