Inside the Mind of ren.y.c: The Creative Journey Behind “i don’t watch the news!”

Inside the Mind of ren.y.c : The Creative Journey Behind "i don’t watch the news!"

ren.y.c is an exciting new voice in the music scene, hailing from the vibrant streets of New York City. With her latest single, “i don’t watch the news!“, she’s already making waves and capturing attention with her raw, authentic sound. Following the success of her previous tracks, which have resonated deeply with fans, we caught up with ren.y.c to dive into her creative process and the inspiration behind her music. Join us as we explore the story behind the artist and her powerful new release.

Penny Powell: Can you give us the run down on your single “i don’t watch the news!”

ren.y.c: Honestly, the title just felt right. It’s a straight-up reflection of how I feel about the news. I wanted something that would catch people’s attention and connect with those who share the same feelings. 

Penny Powell: The song’s title is quite bold. How did you decide on it, and what kind of reactions are you hoping to provoke with this statement?

ren.y.c: The song was originally called “shot” . Up until a couple weeks before I released it, I decided to change it to “i don’t watch the news!” I thought it was more fitting for the song. 

Penny Powell: How do you stay motivated and inspired when working on new music?

ren.y.c: By staying consistent. It helps with motivation, and when I need inspiration, I’ll go outside.

Penny Powell: What is the story behind your most popular single, “Wicky”? 

ren.y.c: I’m happy with how that song came together. I started recording that song in my room and left it unfinished. After playing the first half for some friends and seeing their reaction I knew I had to go back and finalise it. I made 22 versions of that song. 

Penny Powell: You say your style of music is melodic hip-hop. Do you have any big influences or idols in this genre? 

ren.y.c: I listen to Top 40 hip hop artists, especially the ones from NYC. 

Penny Powell: Why should a listener who doesn’t know you listen to your music?

ren.y.c: Because it’s authentic raw. I like to include my raw emotions in my songs, whether that’s through the lyrics or cadence. 

Penny Powell: Who is one artist you wish you could work with?

ren.y.c: I don’t know if I can pick just one. There are so many artists that I think would be cool to work with. 

Penny Powell: What type of music do you listen to?

ren.y.c: I listen mainly to hip hop, and also some pop and reggaeton.

Penny Powell: What do you do when you don’t do music (creative or otherwise) and that you are passionate about?

ren.y.c: I am also passionate about exercising and staying active. 

Penny Powell: Do you have any upcoming projects you want to let everyone know about? 

ren.y.c: Yes, my next song, “waste my time,” is coming out on August 9th. It’s a feel good summer song. I also plan on releasing a song around every 4 weeks.